20 year old entrepreneur Joseph Heyes set to be a millionaire at 21 after being homeless Only 2 years ago. He is now on a mission to change 1 MILLION people’s lives

cosmo media
5 min readNov 20, 2020


Just 2 years ago Joseph Heyes also known as “Heyesii” was homeless he is now on a journey to change 1 Million people’s lives and show the world that the 9–5 is old fashioned and out dated and that people don’t have to slave a job they hate in this new day and age of the internet. Joe is really making an impact…

Joe came from extremely humble beginnings; 2 years ago he was made homeless at the age of 18 following some unexpected family problems. For 4 months he was sleeping on a few of his close friends’ sofas as he had no other place to go to. His friends family used to feed him due too the fact that he did not have anywhere to prepare his own food. Due to this he put on 4 stones which caused him to be at his heaviest weight of 22 stone at 18 years of age.

Joe decided he needed to make a change and get out of his current situation as he was unhappy with himself and his surroundings. He then made the tough decision and dropped out of his first year at college because it wasn’t for him and he wanted to work and earn money to escape the situation that he was in.

Joe then went on the hunt for jobs and came across an opportunity from an old friend of the family. He gave Joe the opportunity to do labouring on his house to amass some sort of cash in hand income whilst he found his feet at 18 years old. Little did he know, Stephen Ellis would become one of his closest friends & the father figure he never had to guide him through an important part of his life.

He worked for 2 years with Stephen whilst he found his feet and build some sort of foundation for him to grow and progress.

In the last months of working labouring he began to buy & sell broken apple products on Facebook market place. In just 4 months he accumulated £30,000 from buying/fixing/selling iPhones on Facebook marketplace.

At this point Joe knew he was on to something big…

Joe then made the decision and used this capital to invest in his current venture at the time which was investing in stocks.

He taught himself over a period of 6–8 months as a side hustle on how to invest in the stock market. With the capital he had amassed from the phone repair business, he found himself making a consistent income in the stock market.

In just over a year Joe gained a following of over 100,000 people on both Instagram & tiktok due to the lavish laptop lifestyle he was able to live at such a young age due to taking the risks he took.

He then diversified his investment income across various businesses including a multiple 6 figure e-commerce business & online coaching business soon to be a collective of 7 figures.

He is now 20 years old, travelling the world living his dream life and taking his work with him. His mission is to change 1 Million people’s lives and show the world that the 9–5 is old fashioned and out dated and that people don’t have to slave at a job they hate in this new day and age of the internet.

Joe at the start of his weight loss journey
Joe when he lost 8 stone in less than 12 months

Last year Joe set a goal for himself to lose 8 stone in weight 12 month’s time. Accumulate over 100,000 followers online and build multiple 6 figure businesses. Which he all achieved.

Joe has inspired thousands of teens and aims to continue to influence many more over his lifetime.

He says I want to be the reason young people become entrepreneurs & get to experience life as it should be in the 21st century.

His plans are to build & scale multiple global e-commerce businesses in the coming years, be the world’s most influential young entrepreneur, change 1MILLION people’s lives, house the homeless & change his families lives forever.

From interviewing Joe we can really feel his sense of passion and love for what he is doing and most importantly his love for the process and building something from nothing. He went from being homeless to having 3 rapidly growing companies on their way to 7 figures, owning his dream car (Mercedes CLA) & having his own penthouse in the city of Manchester this shows that anybody can do it if they have the right mindset and determination to take risks to succeed.

Joe is now documenting his journey from £0-£100Million across his social media platforms @heyesii on Instagram and @heyesii on tiktok.

Joe Says “There is no end goal. I am in love with the process of building something from ground to the top. I’ll secure my family’s future forever; help as many people as I possibly can. Buy my mum her dream house and retire my sisters.

Anything else from there onwards is a bonus”



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